Crime scene cleanup, a sensitive matter
Bio-One Columbus handles a wide variety of biohazardous cleanups, from animal infestations to hoarding homes. We have earned a reputation for prompt service and superior skills, and we pride ourselves on returning lives to normal as soon as possible. Our experienced and sympathetic approach, however, is truly tested when it comes to dealing with crime scenes.
These scenes can be horrific, not only for the families that are directly impacted, but also for law enforcement, property owners and anyone who comes into contact with the aftermath of a serious injury or death. When a call comes in from a family member or law enforcement officer, we are ready to respond 24 hours a day with genuine compassion and a keen awareness of the emotional trauma that is often involved.
Our number one goal is to physically restore the scene to its previous state, but we never lose sight of the fact that a traumatic event has occurred and people’s lives have been affected.
Not everyone can do the work we do. Not just because it requires extensive training and certification, but also because it can be extremely taxing from an emotional standpoint. To be working in an area where someone lost their life, often to senseless violence, requires a steadfast commitment to always be prepared to help people, regardless of how a situation may effect one personally. I see that in all of my employees, and their dedication makes me proud. To have the ability to take some of the pain away from a family that's suffering is what motivates us to always do more than what's expected of us.
Tim Lockard is owner/operator of Bio-One Columbus, and has more than 15 years’ experience in emergency response.