Bio-One Columbus is a trained biohazard remediation team responding to requests for residential and commercial cleanups throughout Ohio. We encounter situations large and small, prearranged and catastrophic, but none are more sensitive than those involving a loved one lost unexpectedly.
The trauma of an apparent suicide sets in motion a dizzying series of events. Most tragic, of course, is the discovery of the scene, all too often by a family member. The authorities are called and an investigation is performed. Once concluded, the necessary cleaning begins. It’s a delicate job that must be performed discretely, quickly and safely.
We received such a call recently from the detective assigned to the case. It was a Saturday afternoon, and we were at the home within 45 minutes. The family was no longer on site, but the scene was quite horrific.
Our goal was to safely decontaminate the scene and remove all physical traces of the event in the short window of time we had before the family returned. Nothing can take away the trauma of the death of a loved one, but Bio-One can help reduce some of that pain by making sure the family doesn't have to re-experience the scene of a violent death.
Blood and other body tissues represent a true biohazard, and need to be remediated safely by experts. We typically get the call from police or family. No payment is taken up front. After the job, we work directly with the insurance company to coordinate reimbursement.
Our motto is "Help first, business second.” We never forget that the family is not only dealing with grief and strong emotions, but also the requisite details around planning funeral arrangements and financial dispositions. Our job is only one component in a difficult process, but done properly, it can relieve a lot of stress and burden from the family.
Bio-One has the experience and the professionalism to handle any situation. Keep us in mind when circumstances dictate hazardous materials response.
In 15 years of volunteering as a paramedic, I saw the front end of a lot of tragedy. I also recognized a need for compassionate help on the back end. After the flashing lights stop and the emergency vehicles drive away, families are often left to face overwhelming situations.
If I can make someone’s life a little better and make a living doing it…well I can’t imagine a better vocation than that. My job certainly isn’t glamorous, but at the end of the day we’re helping people. Every time my phone rings I can honestly say, “You called the right place,” and that’s a great feeling.
Tim Lockard is owner/operator of Bio-One Columbus, and has more than 15 years’ experience in emergency response.